



Dr. Carlos Pareja Cordero

Complutense University of Madrid – Graduate in Law.
Catholic University of Santiago de Guayaquil – Lawyer in Jurisprudence.
San Martin de Porres University of Lima, Peru – Lawyer of the Courts and Tribunals of the Republic.
Member of the Guayaquil and Lima bar associations.

Mgst. Leonardo Stagg

Lawyer of the courts and tribunals of the Republic of Ecuador Universidad Catolica Santiago de Guayaquil.
Master in International Business Law at ESADE, Faculty of Law.
Master in Business Law from the Ramon Llul University in Barcelona, ​​Spain.

Ab. Gustavo Pareja De Muro

University of Specialties Espíritu Santo
Lawyer of the Courts of Justice of the Republic – Mention in Social Sciences, Commercial Education and Law
Duke University – North Carolina, United States
Master of Laws LLM

Ab. Ernesto Robles Weisson

Catholic University of Santiago de Guayaquil – Lawyer – Major in Social Sciences, Business Education, and Law.
Madrid Business Institute – Master in Business Tax Consulting.

Ab. Sebastián Pareja Aguirre

Catholic University of Santiago de Guayaquil – Lawyer – Major in Economic Law.
Nebrija University – Madrid, Spain – Master in Business Legal Practice
Garrigues Study Center – Madrid, Spain – Master’s Degree in Business Legal Practice.

Ab. Tulio Sancán Baque

University of Guayaquil – Lawyer of the Courts of Ecuador
Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo National University – Peru – Diploma in Criminal Procedure Reform: “Legal Argumentation and Oral Litigation”

Ab. David Arias Juanazo

University of Guayaquil – Lawyer of the Courts and Tribunals of the Republic of Ecuador

Humberto Avila Mateus

Ecotec University – Graduate of Law and Governance
Founder of the digital channel Legal y Cotidiano

Juan José Echaiz Andrade

Private University of Specialties Espíritu Santo – Graduate of Law, Politics and Development