Mgst. Leonardo Stagg

Leonardo Stagg is one of the most respected and loved lawyers in the country. He began his studies at the Universidad Católica Santiago de Guayaquil where he graduated as a lawyer from the Courts and Tribunals of the Republic (2006), and then moved to Barcelona, Spain where he completed his Master’s studies in International Business Law at ESADE, Faculty of Law and Master in Business Law from the Ramon Llul University in Barcelona, Spain (2008).
Currently, he is part of the FIFA Disciplinary Commission, standing out for participating in the senior world cups in Russia 2018, Poland under 20, 2019, as President of the Commission, and Seniors Qatar 2022. Likewise, he was a delegate of Barcelona Sporting Club before the Ecuadorian Football Federation, from 2010 to 2015.
He was part of the board of directors of Barcelona Sporting Club in 2012, a member of the disciplinary commission at the 2018 Russia World Cup, was president of the under-20 Soccer disciplinary commission in Poland in 2019 and participated as a member of the disciplinary commission at the World Cup. of Qatar 2022 Football.
He has been Director of institutions such as Electroquil S.A. (2016-2021), Barcelona Sporting Club (2010-2015), Latin American Association of Business Lawyers ALANE (2012-current), FIFA (2016-current), and Trustee of the Litoral and Galapagos Cattlemen’s Association (2022-current).
UEFA Club Licensing System and Financial Fair Play and its prompt application in Ecuador
“At the end of the last decade, most clubs in Europe were living beyond their means, accumulating large debts to finance player transfers and salaries. This generated increasingly serious financial losses…
Rights of minority shareholders against abuse by management in a public limited company
The first article of our Companies Law provides that “Company contract is one by which two or more people unite their capitals or industries, to undertake commercial operations and participate in their profits….
The economic importance of Sport
Sport went from being a simple social manifestation, intended for the contemplation and practice of recreational activities that sought certain entertainment, satisfaction or personal achievement…